Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is GO Clubs affiliated with Girl Scouts of the USA in any way?

A: No. While GO Clubs founders are former Girl Scout Leaders, GO Clubs is not in any way affiliated with Girl Scouts of the USA.

Q: At what age can girls start in a troop? Are there openings locally?

A: Girls in Pre-K through 12th grade can join a troop. Once they are 18, girls can become adult volunteers. Troop 2894, in Goodyear, will have openings ​for Pre-K – Grade 7 starting Fall ​2024. Follow our Facebook Page for updates. If you would like to start your own GO Clubs troop, please reach out and ​we can help you get started!

Q: How did GO Clubs start?

A: GO Clubs was founded in 2024 by three women who were youth leaders in a well-known program for girls. We each, individually, perceived a new ​direction the program seemed to be taking, which forced us to ​acknowledge that our deeply held convictions, and the way we desire to mentor and ​build girls in our care, was not in alignment with the organization’s ​values and goals. GO Clubs was formed to continue serving girls and families in ​our community and to open the door for others, who value a ​traditional scout-like experience, to form troops of their own.

Q: What are some of the concerns with other youth organizations?

A: GO Clubs disagrees with the approach some organizations take surrounding gender identity, as well as any commitment to teaching girls and ​​volunteers, what we believe are radical racial theories. These ideologies do not align with our personal values or our goal to lead girls from a ​politically neutral and empowering ​approach.

  1. Gender Identity- We believe in supporting our youth to grow confident in their biological gender/sex. Some youth organizations require ​volunteers to affirm child chosen gender identities without question and teach very young children to accept these ideas as fact. Additionally, we ​have found that some​ lack policies that prevent biological males who identify as female from sharing sleeping quarters and bathroom facilities ​with biological females at overnight camp. We believe this is a dangerous and ​developmentally inappropriate path for girls to be forced to ​navigate, does not honor their need to have a safe space to be girls, and dismisses faith-based objections that many girls or parents may have.
  2. Radical Racial Theories- We believe that diversity is beautiful and that all girls are unique, strong, and have the ability to conquer any ​​obstacles they may face. Each girl is equally valued, respected, and mentored to the best of our abilities. Some youth organizations, within DEIRJ ​policies, are asking volunteers to support the idea that systemic racism is widely prevalent, that youth of color are inherently victims, ​while white ​youth are inherently oppressors, and that the scales need to be redistributed to promote a perception of racial equity rather than ​equality. We ​have seen first-hand some concerning course material developed for youth leaders that is divisive and based ​in a radical ideology. We reject ​theories that we believe not only place negative labels on our youth, but also create barriers that are dis-empowering and ​affect one’s ability to ​relate to and respect one another as individuals.

Q: How will GO Clubs protect girls and empower them, in light of societal influences?

A: GO Clubs is for biological girls who live their lives as girls. We do not allow biological boys to share overnight accommodations with biological girls. ​​Period. Members of GO Clubs troops are asked to disclose their biological sex during registration. All adult volunteers are required to have a current ​​and clear background check on file with our organization. Overnight accommodations require two unrelated female adults supervising girls, in age-​​appropriate safety ratios. Men and boys will always bunk separately from women and girls and will not share bathroom facilities with them. Family ​​activities may permit shared accommodations for males and females in the same family only. Individuals must adhere to accommodations based ​​on their biological sex. If any registration information is found to be falsified, we reserve the right to revoke membership.

Racial diversity is an important part of developing youth to be strong advocates for their peers. We believe children should not be taught to victimize ​themselves ​or others based on skin color. Regardless of race, GO Clubs treats all individuals with respect and gives them equal opportunity to grow ​and ​succeed. We do not require or encourage leaders to teach racial equity or programs based on Critical Race Theory because we believe this ​does ​damage to our approach of empowering girls.

Q: What if my daughter decides she wants to be a boy?

A: If a girl member changes her gender status, we will open a conversation with her and her family to try to understand the situation. Ultimately, we ​​will either work with her to embrace and find confidence in being a girl or help her find a program that better suits her individual needs. We will work ​​alongside the girl member and her family to find their desired way forward while maintaining girl only troops.

Q: What if my girl wants to earn a patch for Pride Month?

A: Girls are always welcome to explore topics and earn patches on their own and with their family. GO Clubs will not develop materials for or ​​encourage whole-troop involvement in Pride activities.

Q: Is GO Clubs a religious organization?

A: No. GO Clubs is not a faith-based program, however our leadership is a group of Christian women who have strong family values which are upheld ​​in our decisions for leading girls. We honor God in our troop creed. Girls can choose to earn faith-based badges and serve God through their work in ​​a troop. Any faith-based programming is optional and must be scheduled outside of regular meeting times or completed with a girl’s family.

Q: Does GO Clubs have prestigious awards like other youth organizations do?

A: Yes! GO Clubs is a certifying organization for the Presidential Volunteer Service Award, which has service awards based on age and hours of ​​service. The award levels are Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Lifetime Achievement Awards. Qualifying members receive a certificate signed by the President ​​of the United States and a medal and pin to be worn on their vest. Learn more at

Q: What can my girl expect to do by being part of GO Clubs?

A: Girls participate in troop meetings, field trips, campouts, travel, workshops, community service, and so much more! Troops are free to design their ​​program with girls leading the way: Everything from vest color, level names, badge choices, fundraising, and troop activities!

Q: How do GO Clubs troops fundraise? Do we have to sell something?

A: GO Clubs does not require troops to participate in specific fundraisers to raise money for ​their troop. We support troops exploring girls’ interests, ​while following their state laws. We encourage troops to design youth appropriate fundraisers that put the FUN in fundraising while they learn and ​grow their troop experience! If you are interested in starting a GO Clubs troop, you will be provided with ideas and support every step of the way!

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GO Clubs is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donation receipts are ​available with all charitable giving to our mission. Thank you for your support!

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Goodyear, Arizona USA
